
资源数: 167
评论数: 23
访问次数: 2900694
建立时间: 2012-09-09


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SyncToy - 微软的免费文件同步工具

SyncToy 是微软推出的免费的文件同步工具。


通用权限管理系统(FrameWork) 1.0.0 Release




Ext JS Library

Ext JS是一个免费开源的一个项目,提供一组非常cool的javascript web UI 组件,并提供强大的ajax特性。使用Ext可以让开发者在短时间内做出界面友好的网站。

Ajax 探密 (Ajax Hacks)


Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET

Thank you for purchasing Beginning Ajax with ASP.NET. We know that you have a lot of options when
selecting a programming book and are glad that you have chosen ours. We’re sure you will be pleased
with the relevant content and high quality you have come to expect from the Wrox Press line of books.
Ajax is a set of technologies that will revolutionize the way that web-based applications are designed. It
revolutionizes the way that applications are used, provides users a responsive applicatio

Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX

With this comprehensive introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX framework technologies, you'll quickly learn how to build richer, more dynamic web sites and web applications. It provides you with an in-depth understanding of ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX and clearly shows you how to apply the framework. You'll also find numerous code examples throughout the chapters that you'll be able to utilize as you begin creating your applications. Written by a team of Microsoft MVPs, this book will get you up to speed on how

Cache Manager plug-in for ASP.NET

Cache Manager是一个ASP.NET插件,可以添加到任何 ASP.NET 网站。
只需将DLl文件放到Bin目录,在web.config文件添加一个httpHandler项,不用重新编译,就可以监视和管理ASP.NET 应用程序缓存。

Microsoft Application Verifier

Application Verifier 是微软的代码验证工具,可以找出在正常程序代码检测中难以察觉的错误,在一开始,Application Verifier就被设计为检测程序运行内存错误和其他严重的安全隐患.这个工具的使用也非常简单:运行程序读入代码即可,很快就能生成一个log.


VS.Php 是基于 Visual Studio的Php集成开发环境。
使用VS.Php,您可以在Visual Studio IDE中设计、开发、调试和部署 Php 应用程序 。

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