ASP.NET ViewState Helper
语言:英文 授权形式:免费
ASP.NET ViewState Helper是用来帮助ASP.NET开发人员监视ViewState内容的工具。以表格形式显示页面及ViewState内容的大小,以及ViewState和其它标记所占的百分比。双击表格中页面对应的行查看ViewState解码内容,并会以树状形式显示结果。
ASP.NET ViewState Helper is designed to help all web developers, but has specific features to help ASP.NET developers track ViewState issues. Analyze your web pages in real-time while you browse them using Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher. As you can see in this Screen Shot, ASP.NET ViewState Helper gives you very detailed information to help you optimize your web application’s performance. ASP.NET ViewState Helper allows you to see the following details about each page:
- Page’s total size: This is the total size of the web page shown in the URL column
- ViewState size: This is the size of the ViewState field
- ViewState %: What percent of the total page size is being taken up by the ViewState?
- Markup size: The size of HTML markup (non-visible text) on the page
- Markup %: What percent of the page consists of non-visible HTML markup?
Double-clicking on any URL in the list will bring up the ViewState Decoder window. If the page you double-clicked on contains a ViewState, it will be decoded into plain text, and also broken down into a tree-view for easy analysis.
Key Features:
- Compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0
- Compatible with Windows 2000, XP and Vista
- Works in real-time to give you detailed page information
- Analyzes all webpages, even pages inside frames
- ViewState decoding works with ASP.NET v1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 applications
- Only a 300k download with a quick and easy installer

The Main Screen

Viewing the Decoded ViewState
使用方法:运行ASP.NET ViewState Helper.exe文件,在IE中打开要查看的网页,自动会显示页面信息,也可以菜单下的“Check Now”命令。
下载:安装包 可执行文件